Saturday, July 7, 2012

Farmers Market Finds

I have never had a taste for veggies.  Call me crazy, but I have just never liked the taste of most of them.  What's even more silly is that the vegetables I do eat are almost always canned.  I always say fresh or frozen veggies taste like grass to me.  I have made it my goal over the summer to eat more fruit and vegetables.  The fruit part isn't a problem - I love all kinds of fruits (bananas and strawberries are my favorites)!

On a trip to the farmers' market (I really love going to these!) I got some fresh carrots, baby potatoes, and green beans in an attempt to make myself eat more healthily.  I used these in a veggie medley with herbs that I have been growing on my patio "garden" and served them along with pan-seared steaks and garlic bread.

Garlic bread, pan-seared steak, and veggie medley

My patio herb "garden"

The herbs really gave the veggies a big kick of flavor, and all ingredients used in the medley were locally grown!  As I said, the vegetables were bought from the farmers' market and came from various local growers, and the herbs were grown on my patio!  It was also a very healthy side dish - I cooked the veggies in water only (no butter).  After they were done, I seared the steak in the same pan the veggies were cooked in so they had a hint of flavor from the herbs as well.  Lastly, I popped the steaks in the oven to finish cooking through.  This meal is one of my favorite recipes I have made in a long time!

Some of you are used to me posting my recipes and culinary adventures on my other blog, Cody's Cooking. I will no longer be using that blog for two reasons.
  1. The name/theme of the blog is too single-minded.  I have many other things I want to blog about besides cooking.
  2. More than one blog is just too much for me to work on right now.  After all my course work (and being less than a year away from graduation) I barely have enough time to cook, let alone keep up a blog JUST about cooking.  By combining, I can post fairly regularly again without having to cook an awesome meal every single day.
I hope that everyone will start following me here.  I'll be posting all sorts of random things.


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