Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day Festivities

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays.  I know, I say that about almost every holiday.  But, really, what's not to love about barbecues, fireworks, and Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA?  Here in Lincoln, we have an all-day celebration that has recently been dubbed the Uncle Sam Jam.  Held at a public park/lake, there are all sorts of fun activities all day for families to take part in.  Personally, I have never joined in the public celebration, but I love to watch the fireworks show they put on at the end of the night.

For the second year in a row, Matt and I hosted a get-together for our friends and family at our teeny tiny apartment.  Since our place is only about a mile from where the Uncle Sam Jam is held, it makes sense for everyone to gather here.  Indoor space is an issue with our apartment, which is why the 4th of July is the perfect chance for us to have a shindig - most everyone can spend their time outdoors.  There is a big field with a couple cottonwood trees right outside our front door.  We used the big outdoor space for grilling, for the kids to play, to hang out, and light a few fireworks. When the fireworks show was about to start, we all picked up our lawn chairs and blankets and walked to a big parking lot across the street (behind another apartment complex) where we had a perfect view of the show.  It was a perfect evening with no clouds and it wasn't too hot.  I couldn't have asked for a better night for a fireworks show.

I made so much yummy food for our barbecue.  As usual, I will share photos for my favorite creations!  All of these recipes were taken from a Betty Crocker cookbook I picked up at the grocery store called Backyard Parties & Picnics.  It had a red, white, and blue cupcake on the cover and I was sold (I'm such a sucker for patriotic looking things around this time of year - I bought Bomb Pops on the same grocery store trip).

Click the title for the recipe!
Just like it sounds, this dish gets its flavor from the same place as the sandwich: bacon, lettuce, and tomato.  Rounded out with mayo, a hint of lemon juice, and some green onions, this dish was a huge hit with everyone at the party - so much so that I plan on making it for the wedding too!

Click the title for the recipe!
I didn't know this to begin with, but I had to hand-make whipped cream for this dish.  Perhaps if I thought it out a bit more beforehand, I may have just gone with store-bought whipped cream to save me some time, but the stuff from scratch was incredible.  This dessert is made from layers of cake cubes and cream cheese whipped cream frosting.  Topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries, this was a perfect holiday treat!

Click the title for the recipe!
These brownies were so rich and chocolatey!  The cherry cola flavor was just enough - not too much, but just a hint.  The kids all seemed to love them and the pan was completely empty by the end of the night.  I would definitely make these again - especially because the frosting was not as hard to make as I had thought it was going to be.

Happy Independence Day!

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